Spitbank Fort | Luxury Accomadations Spitbank Fort | Luxury Accomadations

O riginally constructed to defend the British from Napoleon III's navy in the 18th century, Spitbank Fort was abandoned but is now reno...

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9:28 PM

iDoorCam iDoorCam

iDoorCam S ee who is at your door whether you are at home or on the go. When a visitor rings the doorbell, that prompts an alert on your iOS...

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9:21 PM

Small Farmers Take Their Power & Stand Up To Government Small Farmers Take Their Power & Stand Up To Government

Reason.com “They want us to pay for our own raisins that we grew. We have to buy them back!” ~Raisin Valley Farms owner Marvin Horne C alifo...

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2:57 PM

The Eddie Murphy Rule The Eddie Murphy Rule

99% Invisible W hat happens on the trading floor at the end of the movie Trading Places when Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd get rich and the ...

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1:01 PM

Chicago River Reversed in 1800s To Save City From Poop Chicago River Reversed in 1800s To Save City From Poop

99% Invisible C hicago’s biggest design achievements may not be the buildings but the Chicago River. It should flow into Lake Michigan. Inst...

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12:27 PM

DEFCON | The Documentary DEFCON | The Documentary

J ason Scott created this documentary about DEFCON, the world’s longest running and largest underground hacking conference. Attendees at...

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12:07 PM

Memorial Spaceflights | Blast Your Loved Ones Into Space Memorial Spaceflights | Blast Your Loved Ones Into Space

B last the remains of your loved ones into space where they can orbit the Earth for a few months or years before re-entering the atmosphere ...

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11:44 AM

Drones & Robots Capture Images of African Lions Drones & Robots Capture Images of African Lions

National Geographic N ational Geographic photographer Michael Nichols and videographer Nathan Williamson used a remote-controlled helicopte...

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11:04 AM