Dr. Eric Karlstrom | Weather Warfare and Mind Control Dr. Eric Karlstrom | Weather Warfare and Mind Control

Source: legalise-freedom.com , naturalclimatechange.us , 911nwo.com , erickarlstrom.com January 13, 2014–Dr. Eric Karlstrom discusses geo-en...

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11:23 AM

The People's Voice | Rev. Kevin Annett discusses Vatican Crimes & Child Rape The People's Voice | Rev. Kevin Annett discusses Vatican Crimes & Child Rape

Source: thepeoplesvoice.tv , itccs.org , hiddennolonger.com November 2013: Jeanice Barcelo interviews Rev. Kevin Annett about the Roman Cath...

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9:54 AM

GRTV Backgrounder | Justifying the Unjustifiable: Deconstructing the Lies of the NSA GRTV Backgrounder | Justifying the Unjustifiable: Deconstructing the Lies of the NSA

Source: tv.globalresearch.ca , corbettreport.com As the public finally becomes outraged over the NSA's illegal spying, members of gove...

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9:24 AM