Open Borders "Conservatives" Win Election Open Borders "Conservatives" Win Election

Anti-immigration National Front leader Marine Le Pen Suicide by "Conservatism" The Death of the West - 75% of F...

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5:23 AM

US-Trained Militias Far More Terrifying than Taliban US-Trained Militias Far More Terrifying than Taliban

"Which side are we on today?" Neither the Russians nor the Americans ever had enough troops to truly control Afghani...

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5:21 AM

College bans Christian group for requiring leaders to be Christian College bans Christian group for requiring leaders to be Christian

Freedom of Religion - Not in California "Liberal" educators now act as the shock troops  for politically incorrect in...

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5:19 AM

Iranian official: "All of the Middle East is Iranian" Iranian official: "All of the Middle East is Iranian"

The Persian Empire Reborn “Today, Iran has become an empire again, as it was throughout history. Its capital is Baghdad , the c...

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5:17 AM

Ted Cruz - The Tea Party Opportunity Ted Cruz - The Tea Party Opportunity

The Tea Party Candidate There is a reason every nation on earth (except the U.S.) has multiple political parties. All soci...

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5:12 AM