Ison's Debris Trail/Data, December 17, 2013 Ison's Debris Trail/Data, December 17, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube CDC CN2 Poison info

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11:10 PM

As Judge Rules NSA Surveillance "Almost Orwellian," Obama Prepares to Leave Spying Program Intact, December 17, 2013 As Judge Rules NSA Surveillance "Almost Orwellian," Obama Prepares to Leave Spying Program Intact, December 17, 2013

Source: A federal judge ruled Monday the National Security Agency''s bulk collection of American's phone recor...

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8:01 AM

'West negotiates with terrorists as Syria atrocities reach new level' , December 17, 2013 'West negotiates with terrorists as Syria atrocities reach new level' , December 17, 2013

Source: Horrifying reports from a Syrian town suggest that entire families have been massacred by rebel fighters and also that civil...

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2:02 AM