U.F.O. Lou  | Skywatching, May 31, 2014 U.F.O. Lou | Skywatching, May 31, 2014

Source: U.F.O.Lou youtube Hello Secret Space Program! Description: All recorded with a P8079HP night vision device and a 'JVC Everio'...

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1:45 PM

The Corbett Report | Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg, May 30, 2014 The Corbett Report | Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg, May 30, 2014

Source: corbettreport.com As the Bilderbergers gather in Denmark to discuss this year's agenda, James Corbett presents "Why We Mu...

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2:31 AM

Max Igan | Reality is a Double Edged Sword, May 30, 2014 Max Igan | Reality is a Double Edged Sword, May 30, 2014

Source: thecrowhouse.com Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 2 - Episode 8.

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2:16 AM

Tom Campbell: Fireside Chat With MBT Forum May 2014, Part 2 Tom Campbell: Fireside Chat With MBT Forum May 2014, Part 2

Source: mybigTOE.com Tom Campbell answers questions from his My Big TOE forum members on various subjects involving our reality and consciou...

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2:14 AM

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat with MBT Forum May 2014 Part 1 Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat with MBT Forum May 2014 Part 1

Source: mybigTOE.com Tom Campbell answers questions from his My Big TOE forum members on various subjects involving our reality and consci...

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4:45 AM

New World Next Week | Bilderberg 2014, May 29, 2014 New World Next Week | Bilderberg 2014, May 29, 2014

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com , corbettreport.com , mediamonarchy.com Story #1: Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Elite Desperate to Rescue Unipol...

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3:16 AM

Snowden hits back at government attacks in national TV interview, May 29, 2014 Snowden hits back at government attacks in national TV interview, May 29, 2014

Source: RT.com Edward Snowden made waves in the national media Wednesday night in his first national TV interview. NBC's Brian Williams ...

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3:15 AM

Our Nation is Facing A Health Crisis! Our Nation is Facing A Health Crisis!

Sickness, disease and death or health, fitness and life are all consequences of personal choice. Everyday you choose health and/or fitness o...

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1:10 AM

The Sugar in Tabacco Smoke Causes Addiction and then Cancer! The Sugar in Tabacco Smoke Causes Addiction and then Cancer!

Cigarette smoke contains cancer causing acidic ingredients. There are roughly 45 carcinogens in cigarette smoke. The most addicting and dang...

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1:08 AM

Dr. Robert O. Young's Theory on the Cause of Kidney Stones Validated by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio Dr. Robert O. Young's Theory on the Cause of Kidney Stones Validated by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well ...

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11:03 PM

Lift off! Soyuz Launches from Baikonur with new ISS Crew, May 28, 2014 Lift off! Soyuz Launches from Baikonur with new ISS Crew, May 28, 2014

Source: RT.com The Soyuz spacecraft successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday, carrying a new crew to the Internatio...

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3:26 PM

On The Money: Who pays the price for InfoWars? (ft. Pepe Escobar & Ben Aris), May 28, 2014 On The Money: Who pays the price for InfoWars? (ft. Pepe Escobar & Ben Aris), May 28, 2014

Source: RT.com News goes on to influence public opinion and private decision making, sometimes forcing the hand of politicians with demands ...

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11:03 AM

Colon Hydrotherapy To Improve Health Colon Hydrotherapy To Improve Health

Colonhydrotherapy is the fastest way to clean the large bowel and to hydrate and feed or infuse the body tissues, glands and organs with alk...

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4:44 PM

Tom Campbell | The History of Enlightenment From a Scientific Viewpoint Tom Campbell | The History of Enlightenment From a Scientific Viewpoint

Source: mybigTOE.com The value of Tom's My Big TOE theory is that it is the best framework to date of how our reality works, and that ...

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10:56 PM

Robert Morningstar | Secret Space Program Part 1, OffPlanet Radio Robert Morningstar | Secret Space Program Part 1, OffPlanet Radio

Source: offplanetradio.net , ufodigest.com , secretspaceprogram.org Robert Morningstar joins Randy Maugans and Chris Holly to talk about h...

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10:48 PM

Chossudovsky | Russia, Ukraine, and the New World Order Chossudovsky | Russia, Ukraine, and the New World Order

Source: globalresearch.ca , presstv.com Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky with the Center for Research on Globa...

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10:41 PM

You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime? You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime?

You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime? Former President Richard Nixon declared war on  Cancer in l971.   So what...

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3:06 PM

Polio Caused by a Virus or an Acid! Polio Caused by a Virus or an Acid!

for those who have no idea, http://www.realfarmacy.com/cdc-admits-98-million-americans-received-polio-vaccine-contaminated-with-cancer-virus...

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10:19 AM

12 Years  a Slave or 1000's of Years of Slave Food! 12 Years a Slave or 1000's of Years of Slave Food!

Why "Soul Food" should really be called "Slave Food" Milton Mills, MD, is Associate Director of Preventive Medicine for ...

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9:17 AM

New WASD Keyboard New WASD Keyboard

I'm happy to report that I temporarily kicked my keyboard (and keyboard-related accessory) acquisition disorder. Indeed, I hadn't sp...

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8:55 AM

Scott Wolter | The Hooked X | Truth Connections Radio Scott Wolter | The Hooked X | Truth Connections Radio

Source: truthconnections.com , history.com , scottwolteranswers.blogspot.com , hookedx.com Scott Wolter is the host of the hit television se...

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11:46 PM

Acharya S | The Moses Myth, Yahweh Supremacy & Cultural Genocide | Hour 1 | May 23, 2014 Acharya S | The Moses Myth, Yahweh Supremacy & Cultural Genocide | Hour 1 | May 23, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com , truthbeknown.com May 23, 2014– D.M. Murdock, also known by her pen name, "Acharya S," is the author...

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11:45 PM

Global March: Protests around world against Monsanto, May 24, 2014 Global March: Protests around world against Monsanto, May 24, 2014

Source: RT.com People across the world are marching today against Monsanto - the world's leading producer of genetically-modified food...

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11:39 PM