Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Nasa's Nazis & the Great Pyramid Weapon System | Freeman TV Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Nasa's Nazis & the Great Pyramid Weapon System | Freeman TV

Source: Freemantv.com , gizadeathstar.com Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – Nazi Atomic Technology, Anti-Gravity, Time Control Weapons, Hidden Histo...

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5:23 PM

Max Igan | Slipping Into Fiction, March 1, 2014 Max Igan | Slipping Into Fiction, March 1, 2014

Source: thecrowhouse.com , thepeoplesvoice.tv Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 12 - The Peoples Voice TV - American Voice Radio.

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4:35 AM

Nightvision | HI-8 Footage | Glowing Objects in Formation, February 28, 2014 Nightvision | HI-8 Footage | Glowing Objects in Formation, February 28, 2014

Source: whotookmymojo youtube Description: Great detail in HI-8 also the ability to observe the changing light array. Notice the smaller orb...

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4:32 AM

Spacecraft passing the Southern X Timelapse, February 29, 2014 Spacecraft passing the Southern X Timelapse, February 29, 2014

Source: Horsefarmer1000 youtube (watch in 720p)

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4:31 AM