The future of the nations will depend on the manner of how they feed themselves, wrote the French epicurean Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin ...
Personal Colon Hydrotherapy
The New and Affordable Personal Colon Hydrotherapy device for colonics, enemas and douching. . . . The Colon Hydrotherapy Chair Kit...
Cloud Cover | Full Documentary
Source: A philanthropic edit of the original documentary "Aerosol Crimes" by Clifford E Carnicom. Visi...
Veritas Radio | Dean Henderson - Big Oil, Central Banks, & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics...
Source: This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview...
The Dangers of Drinking Cow's Milk!
Due to the extreme processes that milk goes through and the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substance...
CBS News Admits to Chem Trail Spraying
Finally a local Oregon CBS News affiliate Admits Govermental Chemtrail Spraying: For more...
Cow's Milk Is For Baby Cows!
Imagine another species coming in and deciding humans are a good & tasty source of protein - imagine them imprisoning all fertile femal...