Vincent Freeman | Chemtrails Pathogen, Xenobiology & Engineered Bacteria | Hour 1, April 4, 2014 Vincent Freeman | Chemtrails Pathogen, Xenobiology & Engineered Bacteria | Hour 1, April 4, 2014

Source: , , April 4, 2014– Vincent Freeman is a molecular biologist and artificial i...

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2:32 PM

Making Healthy Alkaline Choices Making Healthy Alkaline Choices

Making Healthy Choices It's never too late to start making healthy choices and to live a life full of vitality and incredible health. St...

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3:35 AM

Jim Marrs | Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? | Segment 1 Jim Marrs | Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? | Segment 1

Source: , Synopsis For years we've been taught that human progress has been a long, slow climb from the ...

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1:40 AM