Max Igan | Freedom is a Choice, June 13, 2014 Max Igan | Freedom is a Choice, June 13, 2014

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 2 - Episode 10

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1:00 PM

Sun releases massive solar flare, June 10, 2014 Sun releases massive solar flare, June 10, 2014

The sun emitted a significant solar flare, peaking at 7:42 a.m. EDT on June 10, 2014. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured ...

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1:00 PM

The BIG "C" Word! The BIG "C" Word!

"It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and other fiendish tortures. It is fro...

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1:00 PM

The Truthseeker |  NATO's 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41) The Truthseeker | NATO's 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41)

Source: The openly Nazi core of Kiev's new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine 'nationalists' in NATO 'dirty...

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12:59 PM