Eat Your Greens!
Dr Robert O Young is feeding Yreka the giraffe at the San Diego Safari Park a raw green diet. The Alkaline Tip of the day - Eat your greens ...
You Are What You Eat!
Scientific Validation of Pleomorphism!
Dr. Robert O. Young discovers biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria in 1994. Bacteria, yeast and mold are born in us an...
Biological Transformation and The Germ Theory
Dr. Robert O. Young discovers biological transformation of blood cells into bacteria in 1994. Bacteria, yeast and mold are born in us and fr...
Alkalize 4 LIFE!
Our main entree for Dr Young stuffed green bell peppers, quinoa, black beans, jalapeños, onions, tomatoes, topped with an avocado, lime juic...
The New Black is GREEN!
The new color of wine - GREEN! For a natural healthy high! When you GO GREEN you are clean, lean and serene! — with Mallorie Alldridge an...
Say NOT To EGGS and Chicken!
Next time you consider eating a chicken egg and making it part of your body think about the following: 1) The main purpose of a chicken egg ...
Daily Personal Colon Hydrotherapy
The New and Affordable Personal Colon Hydrotherapy device for colonics, enemas and douching. . . . The Colon Hydrotherapy Chair Kit includes...