Laughing Squid

Brian Manowitz is a chef who whips up vegan dishes dressed in full metal-style costume on his cooking show, “Vegan Black Metal Chef.” The show is described as “a vegan cooking show like no other,” is set in a dungeon-like kitchen, and features custom heavy metal tracks to “guide you through making high quality, delicious vegan meals.” All of his videos can be found at his YouTube channel.

At the start of his show, Manowitz puts on his vinyl Armor of Death, paints his Mask of Demons and goes into the kitchen. Using a Canon digital SLR with a swivel screen and a tripod, he starts shooting himself while chopping and cooking the foods. He has to do it all at night, so there’s no sunlight coming through the windows and the process goes on until about four or five in the morning. But filming is the easy part. He usually spends between ten days and two weeks adding the music and the voice-overs to his videos. He puts a microphone in front of the computer and sings along as the video plays. It’s a painstaking process, but the Vegan Black Metal Chef is proud to do it all himself.

The Vegan Black Metal Chef cooking show guides you through a variety of easy Asian, Indian, North American, South American, Italian, Middle Eastern, kosher and other global vegan meals.

Packed with humor, music, and visual effects… This is the most fun way to learn vegan vegetarian cooking ever.


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