MIAMI — The Florida doctor charged in a political corruption case along with Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey was charged on Tuesday in a 76-count indictment. Prosecutors accused him of a Medicare fraud that they said sought to cheat the health care program of as much as $190 million.
The United States attorney for Miami, Wifredo Ferrer, said Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, 61, was indicted on 46 counts of health care fraud as well as additional charges of filing false claims and making false statements. Dr. Melgen is an ophthalmologist with offices in Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties.
The indictment charges that Dr. Melgen operated a fraud scheme from 2004 to 2013, in which he billed Medicare for more than $190 million and was paid more than $105 million. In 2012 alone, health officials say, he billed Medicare $21 million — more than any other doctor in the nation.
“Medical professionals who violate their oath by failing to attend to the health of their patients and who submit falsified billing statements for their own personal gain jeopardize the viability of government benefit programs,” Mr. Ferrer said in a statement.
Dr. Melgen has already pleaded not guilty in the New Jersey corruption case, in which he is accused of funneling nearly $1 million in gifts and campaign donations to Mr. Menendez in exchange for political favors. Mr. Menendez, a Democrat, has also pleaded not guilty; he was not charged in the Medicare case.
Dr. Melgen’s lawyer Annie Lyons declined to comment on Tuesday about the Medicare fraud charges but has previously said they were “highly defensible.” Dr. Melgen is scheduled to make his first appearance in the case on Wednesday in federal court in West Palm Beach.
The total maximum prison time for all 76 counts if Dr. Melgen is convicted in the health fraud case and the sentences are imposed consecutively is 610 years.
According to the indictment, Dr. Melgen falsely diagnosed serious eye conditions, such as macular degeneration and retinal disorders, in many patients, and went on to perform unnecessary and costly procedures such as laser surgery and eye injections for which he would bill Medicare.
In addition, the indictment claims that Dr. Melgen made exorbitant profits from a costly drug for macular degeneration, Lucentis, by splitting vials intended for single use among multiple-use vials and then billing Medicare as if each were for a single use. He is also accused of falsifying patient and billing files and filing claims for diagnostic tests not performed.
Dr. Melgen and Mr. Menendez have been friends for decades. The senator has said they celebrated holidays and weddings together, mourned together at funerals and exchanged gifts on birthdays.
The corruption indictment unsealed earlier this month against the men claimed that Mr. Menendez intervened on his friend’s behalf to gain visas for the doctor’s foreign girlfriends, to press officials in the Dominican Republic to honor a lucrative port contract for one of the doctor’s businesses and to influence officials on a billing dispute. In exchange, authorities say, Dr. Melgen showered the senator with flights, vacations and contributions.


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