Food can be a great sensual and social pleasure. But today many individuals feel that they are too busy earning the money to purchase food and other stuff to spend the time it takes to plan, shop, cook and clean up after a good meal. What if you could occasionally engage in a leisurely meal and the other times just drink a tasty food beverage that quickly and easily mixes with water and supplies all your nutritional requirements.
Rob Rhinehart is a 24 year-old electrical engineer and computer scientist from Atlanta whose work doesn’t afford him the luxury of dealing with food several times a day. So he used his engineering skills of problem solving to determine what a body requires to survive. He discovered that it’s not necessarily fruits, vegetables and meat that human bodies need but the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats contained within those foods.
Rhinehart identified the exact nutrients the body loves and needs and put together a super-food compound that would give him 100 percent of his daily recommended intakes. The result is Soylent which is mixed with water, tastes good and costs less than $150 per month. No cooking, no dishes to clean up and a diet that supplies all your body needs to function optimally and maintain healthy weight. Here’s a list of what’s in Soylent.
Below from an interview with Rhinehart at
In Defense of New Food by Rob Rhinehart.
Rob Rhinehart is a 24 year-old electrical engineer and computer scientist from Atlanta whose work doesn’t afford him the luxury of dealing with food several times a day. So he used his engineering skills of problem solving to determine what a body requires to survive. He discovered that it’s not necessarily fruits, vegetables and meat that human bodies need but the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats contained within those foods.
Rhinehart identified the exact nutrients the body loves and needs and put together a super-food compound that would give him 100 percent of his daily recommended intakes. The result is Soylent which is mixed with water, tastes good and costs less than $150 per month. No cooking, no dishes to clean up and a diet that supplies all your body needs to function optimally and maintain healthy weight. Here’s a list of what’s in Soylent.
Below from an interview with Rhinehart at
Hacking the body is high risk, high reward. I read a textbook on physiological chemistry and took to the internet to see if I could find every known essential nutrient. I started to think that it’s probably all the same to our cells whether it gets nutrients from a powder or a carrot.
It [Soylent] tastes very good. I haven’t got tired of the taste in six weeks. I’s a very “complete” sensation, more sweet than anything. Eating to me is a leisure activity, like going to the movies, but I don’t want to go to the movies three times a day.
Not having to worry about food is fantastic. No groceries, dishes, deciding what to eat, no endless conversations weighing the relative merits of gluten-free, keto, paleo or vegan. Power and water bills are lower. I save hours a day and hundreds of dollars a month. I feel liberated from a crushing amount of repetitive drudgery. Soylent might also be good for people having trouble managing their weight. I find it very easy to lose and gain precise amounts of weight by varying the proportions in my drink.
In Defense of New Food by Rob Rhinehart.
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