A King Is Born
Praise God! Another opportunity to celebrate the wisdom of God again: the birth of the Saviour of the world. Christ is the wisdom and power of God (1 Corinthians 1:24).
Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:10-11, 13-14 NKJV)
A king is born (Matthew 2:2), not just a king but also a king-maker. Jesus made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth." (Revelation 5:10). He is the king of kings.
Jesus Christ was born not only to save us, but also to make us reign on Earth as kings and to stand in the office of the priests, interceding for men.. What an honour! What a privilege! Our celebration knows no bound. The Lord's birth connotes victory on every side.
The season calls for praises and dances, singing with instruments making joyful songs unto God. No wonder the three wise men brought gifts to the baby, worshipping Him (Matthew 2:11) and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God (Luke 2:20). A king is born!
So, know that you are a king and a priest unto God because of Jesus Christ. Think it, talk it and act it, because as He is so are you on earth ( 1 John 4:17).
The birth of Jesus is the birth of your victory over all assaults of the enemy. The celebration of Christ's birth is the celebration of the birth of your victory, and the end of defeats in your life. Praise God, you reign over challenges! Hallelujah!
Furthermore, the birth of Christ calls for the priest in you. God is looking for who to stand in the gap that men may be saved and not be consumed. He has found you and I worthy to stand in that gap and intercede, just like our saviour is still interceding for us in heaven (Hebrews 7:25). When you pray things happen, the enemy is pushed further away and the will of God prevails. And when you don't pray, you give the enemy an upper hand. That will not be the case again in Jesus name.
You are a king and a priest, and you reign on earth. Arise and take your place, for victory is yours. A king is born that you may reign too. Praise God! Praise Jesus!
Compliments of the season.
Grace and peace of God be unto you.
Ngozi Nwoke is a teacher, speaker and a counselor. She has a passion to teach people how to enjoy peace, God's love and christian living for more fulfilling life. Want more fulfilling life? Subscribe for free email updates today. http://stepswithgod.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8858252


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