Your toddler is difficult to eat? Before suffering from malnutrition, give him honey every day. From the research proven, honey can increase appetite, reduce morbidity to heat and cold, in addition to the complete nutritional content.

Feeding children under five years of age (toddler) is tricky. If the child had a high appetite, parents are not going to bother. Fed whatever the toddler will eat it with gusto. Conversely, children under low appetite or difficulty eating, making parents are often overwhelmed, even almost lost her mind to persuade him to eat.

Various types of food tested. The reaction of the child just throw back the food in his mouth when not according to their tastes. Unfortunately, her favorite foods are less nutritious. In fact, the variety of food is necessary. If this situation continues the child might suffer from lack of food and malnutrition, so easily hurt. As a result of all the growth process becomes abnormal. The most troubling, when he became part of a generation with no future (lost generation).

IMPROVING appetite

Fortunately, there is research Y. Widodo. Researchers at the Centre for Research and Development of Nutrition in Bogor, last year brought good news for parents who have children with protein energy malnutrition (PEM). He reported that the administration of honey regularly every day can reduce morbidity (hot and cold) and improve the appetite of children under five.

Research conducted on patients toddlers Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition Research, which suffer from protein energy malnutrition (PEM) due to the financial crisis. There were 51 children aged 13-36 months who are involved in the research. They were divided into two groups, the first group of Honey (25) as a sample, and the second group of syrup (26) as a control. Both groups were given supplemental vitamin B-complex and vitamin C (50 mg).

Indicators were observed among other anthropometric data (age, weight, height / length of the body), socio-economic, recall consumption, history of child health at the time before, during, and after treatment for about two months.

The results showed, morbidity to heat and cold honey or sample group decreased, increased appetite, serving and eating frequency increases, so that their energy and protein consumption also increased compared with the control group that received syrup.

The health benefits of honey provision that appears in the study, among others, caused by two things. First, honey is a food that contains various nutrients while sugar contains only energy or calories. Second, honey also contains compounds that are antibiotic.


The main nutrient content of honey is a variety of carbohydrate compounds such as sugars fructose (41.0%), glucose (35%), sucrose (1.9%), and dextrin (1.5%). Honey carbohydrates help fuel supply part of the energy needed toddlers.

The protein content in honey is relatively small, about 2.6%. But the amino acid content is quite diverse, both essential amino acids and non-essential. The amino acids also helped supply most purposes toddler body proteins.

Vitamins contained in honey include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, B3, B6, and vitamin C. While the minerals contained in honey include potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and sulfur. Although relatively few in number, honey is an ideal source of minerals for the human body because of the balance and the amount of minerals contained honey approach in human blood.

Research shows, honey also contains growth factors. Reportedly, tree cuttings are dipped in honey will more quickly take root and grow better than the untreated cuttings planted honey.


Honey also contains antibiotics. This substance is one of the unique honey. Research Peter C. Molan (1992), researchers from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikoto, in Hamilton, New Zealand proved that honey contains an antibiotic that is active against the attack of disease-causing pathogens.

Some infectious diseases of various pathogens that can be "cured" and is inhibited by (drinking) honey regularly among other diseases of the stomach and digestive tract; skin diseases, acute respiratory infections (ARI), cough and fever; heart disease, liver, and lungs; diseases that can interfere with the eyes, ears, and nerves.

Based on the research results Kamaruddin (1997), researchers from the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, in Kuala Lumpur, there are at least four factors are responsible for the antibacterial activity in honey. First, the high sugar content of honey which will inhibit the growth of bacteria so that the bacteria can not survive and thrive.

Secondly, a high level of acidity honey (pH 3.65) will reduce growth and vitality so that the bacteria languish or die. Third, the presence of hydrogen peroxide radical compounds that are able to kill pathogenic microorganisms. And the fourth factor, the presence of organic compounds that are antibacterial. The organic compound type is mixed. Which have been identified, among others, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and glycosides.


To get the health benefits of honey, sweet liquid into a bee colony's food reserves should be consumed regularly. In the study Widodo toddler honey samples as much as 20 grams per day. Honey is not recommended for infants aged 0-4 months, because the food is first and foremost to them is their mother's milk (ASI). After 4 months of age should be given a new honey along with supplementary feeding as recommended.

According Muhilal, 2-3 tablespoons honey 2 times a day is sufficient to maintain stamina and health. But to cure or treatment, better honey consumed in the form of a solution in water because it will facilitate their absorption in the body. The honey should be taken two hours before meals or three hours after eating.

In addition to adding honey toddler food on the menu regularly, of course, a variety of other health measures such as medical treatment, supplementary feeding, and general immunization, should be done. These efforts will further accelerate the recovery efforts of health and nutritional improvements, especially those hard to eat, so they are spared the possibility of being without future generations.


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